Official Tee Times


Monday: Medley 18 Hole: 8.30am – 10.00am

Tuesday: Men’s & Ladies 12 Hole: 8.15am – 10.00am from 7th Tee

Tuesday: Open Medley Pro Competition 18 Hole: 10.00am – 11.00am

Wednesday: Ladies 18 Hole: 8.30am – 10.00am

Thursday: Men’s 18 Hole: 7.00am – 12.30pm

Saturday: Open Medley Competition 18 Hole: 6.300am – 12.00pm

NB: The starter has full control of all competitions with discretion to vary these times in extenuating circumstances.


Download • NGC Club Rules

Download • Club By Laws

Download • Privacy Policy

Download • AGM Minutes 20th August, 2023

NOTE: The Annual General Meeting for 2024 will be held on Sunday 18th August, 2024

Download • Annual Financial Report 2023-2024

members information request

Recent revisions to Australia’s Corporation Act have recognised the trend to send out reports electronically.
In line with this change, and mindful of our corporate social responsibility, the Club would like to request your support as a member for a more sustainable approach to the Club’s Annual Report and newsletters.

Register below for the Member’s Info Service and receive Annual Reports and/or Newsletters and Promotions electronically.

email enquiries form

    Note: only one click is required to submit this form
    see • privacy statement concerning information submitted